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tak aman bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tak aman"
  • tak:    like a hole in one’s head; no; non; na; like a
  • aman:    be secure; calm; peaceful; placid; safe; peace;
  • aman:    be secure; calm; peaceful; placid; safe; peace; gilt-edged; harmlessly; secure; still; faithful; unthreatened; unafraid; nonhazardous; serene; trustworthy; riskless; unagitated; harmless; certain; d
  • aman -:    put at his ease
  • aman geometris:    geometrically safe
  • beban aman:    permissible stress
  • daerah aman:    safety island; safety zone
  • dengan aman:    harmlessly; safely; securely; properly; well
  • katup-aman:    safety-valve
  • keadaan aman:    harmlessness
  • kepala aman:    heads of aman
  • kertas aman:    safety paper
  • masa aman:    peacetime
  • menjamin aman:    secured
  • merasa aman:    feel secure
  • Your Highness, it is not safe to leave the palace.
    Yang Mulia, tak aman meninggalkan istana.
  • It's not safe for you to be seen with me.
    Tak aman bagimu untuk terlihat bersamaku.
  • I can't go back there. lt's not safe.
    Aku tak bisa kembali ke sana. Tak aman.
  • Well, it makes you seem insecure and desperate.
    Itu membuatmu terlihat tak aman dan putus asa.
  • Look, guys, I don't think we're safe here.
    lihat, teman-teman, aku pikir kita tak aman disini.
  • Because I just told you, the train isn't safe.
    Karena keretanya tak aman. Sangat berbahaya bagimu.
  • You're not safe here in Starling City.
    Kau tak aman di sini, di Starling City. Nn.
  • If it's not you, I wouldn't be safe.
    Kalau bukan karena kamu, aku sudah tak aman.
  • "Your driving, while unpleasant, is not technically unsafe."
    "Cara mengemudimu, meski menyenangkan, secara teknis tak aman."
  • There are parts of the house that are unsafe.
    Ada bagian dari rumah yang tak aman.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5